Metabolic Specialist Bundle
Become a Metabolic Specialist and give your clients the whole package. Order the appropriate bloodwork, understand what's happening with their health and learn successful protocols to empower you both.
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
All Products, Specialized Certifications, Practitioner Based Courses
In this course you will learn a phased approach to chronic conditions and advanced protocols. Dr. Tracey Stroup is a sought after functional naturopath with 25 years experience in acute and chronic health issues. Check out this amazing course today!
All Products, Specialized Certifications, Practitioner Based Courses
Enhance any practice or scope by learning the art of unraveling the metabolic mystery associated with hormones, neurotransmitters, immune impact, weight loss and chronic health issues. Based in functional analysis of bloodwork and other testing.
All Products, Specialized Certifications, Practitioner Based Courses
Are you ready to revolutionize your practice with NEW eyes on a common set of numbers. The amount of information you can glean from a baseline blood panel will blow your mind! Join us as we look BEYOND the bloodwork for functional levels.